Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Congress Must Do NOW!

What Congress Must Do Now.  Ten immediate steps:
1.  25% across-the-board budget reductions for all Executive Branch department staffing, and 25% reduction all Congressional salaries.
2. 90% reduction in travel budgets, all Executive Branch departments.
3.  Eliminate permanently all forms of “ear mark” (pork barrel) legislation.    
4.  100% reduction (complete cessation) of Congressional retirement plan effected by Congressional participation in Social Security.
5.  Separate “disability” and all other “non-retirement elements” from Social Security (in effect returning to pre-Johnson era plan for Social Security.)
6.  100% reduction (complete cessation) of Farm subsidies followed by re-instituting the program – if needed – for only those agri-businesses with a documented 10-year record of agri-business sales.
7.  Maintain payments at current level to Social Security, Medicare, and military current retirees; plan reductions for future retirees on a gradual scale.
8.  Enact immediately a 25% Federal sales tax across-the-board, no exceptions, no deductions.
9.  Enact immediately a 10% Federal income tax across-the-board, no exceptions, no deductions.  Concurrently, scrap all existing income and capital gains taxation.
10.  Reduce IRS staffing by 90% (following steps 8 and 9 above).
These ten immediate steps are not a “wish list.”  They are the demands of the American people, who, you ought not to forget, are your employers!  Prepare to pack your bags and go home if you ignore these demands.  Term limits begin now!  We will elect no incumbents!

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