Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweep Congress Out!

(From a recent outbound email.)

Here's a surprise!  Washington is a mess!  And I'm not talking about traffic congestion here.
Folks, this is serious stuff.  We cannot sit on our collective fat kiesters.  We simply must sweep Congress out of Washington.
Vote the primaries.  Vote the regulars.  ELECT  NO  INCUMBENTS.
It is time to "Recycle Congress."
For those of you who have looked at my blog, check also this link to Joe Fluet's blog:
Joe Fluet's blog
New Essay:
He's got a piece on "Fair Tax" which makes a lot of sense, and which, when combined with my "Elect No incumbents" campaign could -- if enough of us get off our collective kiesters and do something -- go a long way to bettering the Washington situation.
 Here is an extract from some of Frank's pieces pieces regarding "Elect No Incumbents"

If you feel frustrated by what Congress does, or fails to do, have you ever heard yourself  ask, “What can we do about it?”  Stop fretting!  There are things we can do!  And they are not complicated … if enough of us agree to do what needs to be done. The “what to do?” is truly not complicated, nor is it difficult.  Vote twice! Once in the primaries!  Then in the general election.  And in both“votes,” simply do this:  Elect no Incumbents.  Presto!  That’s called Term Limits!
You can do it.
I can do it.
We must do it.
You have forgotten who you work for.
You have failed to trim the size federal government.
You have failed to balance the budget.
You have failed to pass federal funding legislationwithin established deadlines.
You have failed to tax all Americans equally.
You have failed to disengage Congress from “specialinterest” groups.
You have placed “party” priorities over “national”priorities.
You have continued “ear-mark” or “pork barrel”legislation for your constituents.
You have continued to campaign for your own re-electionwhen you should be addressing the needs of this country.              
We can and will replace 100% of the House and allSenators who are running for re-election. Pack your bags, Congress.  We notonly want change, we will change! Starting with Congress!

And if you've come to think this is just Frank's Frantic Frustrations, check these words from "Ski" who is known to some of us in the Hills of Shenandoah as neighbor and friend.
Ski writes --
"I don’t mind sacrifice, I don’t mind working hard, I will tolerate getting my Social Security ripped off and Medicare trounced if only – if only – I was absolutely sure and convinced that these politicians were honest with me – that they were in fact NOT BOUGHT and could prove it and would swear to it under oath or God.  In that we then all gravitate to a shared pain and I am just pissed at examples like the top six hedge-fund owners – who make no jobs and make no attempt at keeping their money in the USA – could generate over a trillion bucks in revenue if the tax rates were set back to the pre-Bush levels.  There is something very wrong here and what I learned and saw in the Congress was that our representatives are BOUGHT."
Yes folks, times are serious.  Only we -- that's you and I -- can fix what is wrong.
And we can fix what is wrong.

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