Monday, July 11, 2011

Washington Must Be Recycled!

Washington Must Be Recycled! 

Who among us is not convinced?  Houston, we have problems.  In Washington.  You, I, and our neighbors could without a doubt quickly jot a list of ten such “problems.”  Chances are good that my list, your list, and those of our respective neighbors would share six if not seven items.  Oh, the order might differ.  But the likelihood is great that the words taxes, budget, Congress, political, and maybe even Constitution and election would appear on your list as well as mine. 

Fact is most of us are fed up with what we see happening in Washington.  I know I am!  And near the top of my list would be the word obfuscation!  Okay, so maybe that particular word didn’t show up on your list.  But I’d bet some part of this word’s definition is on your list:  to make something obscure or unclear, especially by making it unnecessarily complicated.  Sure, some things by their very nature are complicated.  But not all things must be so.  Do members of Congress intentionally overcomplicate issues so as to obscure their true intent?  Well, your response is as good as mine.  But let’s return to that list of problems. 

If you feel frustrated by what Congress does, or fails to do, have you ever heard yourself  ask, “What can we do about it?”  Stop fretting!  There are things we can do!  And they are not complicated … if enough of us agree to do what needs to be done.  The “what to do?” is truly not complicated, nor is it difficult.  Vote twice!  Once in the primaries!  Then in the general election.  And in both “votes,” simply do this:  Elect no Incumbents.  Presto!  That’s called Term Limits!  

You can do it.

I can do it.

We must do it. 

And it does not require amending the Constitution!

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