Monday, July 11, 2011

Proclamation to 112th Congress

Proclamation to the 112th Congress

                              Made to both parties, both houses.

1.      Get it right or we’ll send you home.

2.     Recognize that term limits are what elections are for; they do not require Constitutional amendment.

3.     Avoid grandstanding.  We demand hard work, not “hearings.”

4.     Do not spend time, energy, staff, or federal funds running for re-election.

5.     Recognize that your re-election is not why voters (tax payers) sent you to Washington.

6.     Stop “earmarks.”  Now!

7.      Recognize that taxpayers from 49 states do not wish to fund a bridge in West Virginia.

8.     Recognize that item 7 (above) is a metaphor.  No offense to West Virginia

9.     Use one-bill one-vote method.  Vote for a “bill” not for a “rider.”

10.  Balance the budget.  Now.

11.   Trim 10% across-the-board from the federal budget.

12.   Trim 90% from federal travel budgets (beyond the 10% in item 11 above.)

13.   If legislation for a new program requires funding, reduce existing programs to fund it.

14.   Adopt a flat 5% income tax for all individuals, all business, no deductions.

15.   Adopt a flat 5% federal retail sales tax.  All items.  No exceptions.

16.   Honor commitments to military veterans, senior citizens.

17.   Get the federal government out of the health-care business, the education business, and business (oversight, yes, operating, no).

18.  Let state governments run the states.  If you mandate state action, pay for it.

19.   Use tax credits to rebuild this nation’s transportation and energy infrastructure.

20.  Get to work!  Now!

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